Má alimentação - Mania de brasileiro.

22/05/2009 ·

The eating habits of brazilians.

Research by the IBGE reveals the eating habits of Brazilians: less fruit and fewer vegetables and more sugary food, such as cookies and soda.

Most of us have a busy work schedules and a dozen other commitments to look into. But, to do justice to all these various aspects of your life, you MUST pay attention to your diet and health. How you eat your food is as important as what you eat. So, the next time you sit down to eat, enjoy your meal by keeping these pointers in mind.

The IBGE has said that currently brasilians are consuming much more sugary food (such as desserts, cookies, sodas, etc.) than before. Worse still, people are eating less fruit and fewer vegetables (which are important for a healthy life) than they should.

  1. research - pesquisa
  2. eating habit - hábito alimentar
  3. sugary food - alimento açucarado (doce)
  4. cookie - biscoito
  5. soda - refrigerante
  6. to release - divulgar
  7. currently - atualmente
  8. dessert - sobremesa
  9. healthy - saudável
  10. meal - refeição

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