Chocolate: irresistible and healthy!

13/05/2009 ·

Chocolate:  irresistible and healthy!

Moderate consumption of chocolate may have health benefits


Consumption of chocolate normally grows in the winter months. The cold seems to make this food even more irresistible, but caution is called for. If eaten in excess, chocolate does not only make us fat, but it also increases cholesterol levels and harms the digestive system. However, if eaten in moderation (no more than 50 grams a day), chocolate may even benefit our health. It is very nutritious: it has calcium, iron, proteins, and also vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Recently scientists and researchers have discovered that chocolate may also be good for the heart. This happens because flavonóide, a substance in cocoa, helps improve the health of arteries and the heart. There are also studies that say the consumption of chocolate helps combat depression and anxiety. 



  1. healthy - saudável
  2. consumption – consumo
  3. to grow – crescer
  4. cold – frio
  5. caution is called for – an idiom. = é preciso cautela
  6. fat – gordo
  7. to harm – prejudicar
  8. iron – ferro
  9. cocoa – cacau
  10. anxiety - ansiedade

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