Joke: In a commercial travel

03/08/2009 ·

In a commercial flight

In a commercial flight, the pilot takes the microphone and begins to talk to passengers:
Good morning, we are exactly at an altitude of 9 thousand meters, at top speed and we are flying over the city of ………… OHHHHHHHHHHHH, MY GOD!!!
And the passengers heard a great shout followed by an infernal noise……NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Seconds after, he takes the microphone and, laughing gracelessly, he apologizes:
Forgive-me, I spilled the tray and my coffee cup fell on me. You should see how the front side of my pants is right now.
And one of the passengers shouts:
F#%*@ -mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should see how the back side of my pants is right now!


- laughing gracelessly (sorriso sem graça)
- spill (derramar)
- tray (bandeja)
- pants (calça)

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